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Labels: Facebook, Fans Page, Las Vegas, Loot, Mafia Wars
Labels: bookmarklet, Facebook, Fans Page, javascript, Mafia Wars, usercript.org
Labels: Auto Gift, bookmarklet, Facebook, Fans Page, Mafia Wars
Script Bookmarklet ini berfungsi untuk auto shaked dan Auto Collect Truck Rider (-6 energy boosts) saja!
Cara Penggunaanya :
1. Unframe dulu Mafia Wars
2. Ke Racket Area
3. Jalankan Script Bookmark
Selamat Mencoba ....
Sumber Script : Aruns Site
**Note : This will not be updated any more as Rackets will be removed soon and replaced with properties for all**
Labels: bookmarklet, Mafia Wars, racket account, Tutorial
Labels: Facebook, Fans Page, Mafia Wars, Tutorial
Labels: Facebook, Fans Page, firefox, Mafia Wars, Tutorial
Copy Url Mafiawars Profile. Paste Code binary dan decode di kolom bawah berikut , untuk mencari tahu UID Facebook yang dimaksud.
tools by : beckhans
Stream Helper Beta | This bookmarklet will scan your facebook feed for Mafia Wars related information. It does not work for everyone, you might need to but some work into it. There are some brief instructions on the Mafia-Tools blog. If you are unable to get it working, fiddle around with the settings before asking for help. |
Stream Helper (old) | Older version of SH, will be missing the latest features. Try this if the above beta version is giving you grief. |
AttackX Beta | Repeat attacks on your current target. Works from MW profile pages and fight result screens. Ajax version avalible. |
Buy Properties Beta | Use on your New York properties page. Then enter your wanted level of properties and press Start. |
AttackX Beta (Loader) | AttackX with loading from a backup server. You need to reinstall this bookmarklet manually if the loader changes. |
Like AttackX but for robbing someone repetedly. Robbing is not enabled in the game right now. Zynga says it will be back. ETA unknown. | |
Collect Boosts Beta | Scans your mafia for level up and iced bonuses. Mutt, Hot Coffee and Extra Pair of Eyes. Use with List FB Friends for faster runs. |
Job Helper Beta | Similar to Collect Boosts, but this scans for jobs to help with. |
War Hunter Beta | Search your friends for active wars to help out in. |
RepeatJob Beta | Do a job once, let Repeat Job save you clicking if you want to do it more times. |
List FB friends (local) | Use this bookmarklet to generate a list of your Facebook friends. For use with Job Helper, War Hunter, Collect Boosts. Run on a framed MW page. |
Install bookmarklets by drag and dropping to your bookmark toolbar. Most bookmarklets are auto-updating. (Local) you must update manually.
Unframe-MW | Unframe the Mafia Wars iframe. Use again after unframing to get the scrollbars back. Screen shrinks after unframing in Firefox? Tools | Options | Content | Advanced Javascript | Untick "Move or Resize existing windows". |
Unframe-MW (local) | Local version of the Unframe-MW script. You need to reinstall manually to update. |
AttackX | Keep attacking your current target, with healing and other features. Beta version avalible. Use after attacking someone once or on their MW profile page. |
RepeatJob | Do a job once, use this bookmarklet to repeat the job.Beta version avalible. |
Collect Boosts | Scan your mafia for boosts. Beta version avalible. |
Job Helper | Scan your mafia for jobs to help on. Beta version avalible. |
Spammer Hunt | Loads a random profile from the Spammer Wall of Shame list. Great with AttackX. |
Switch | Switches from MW profiles (unframed) to Facebook profiles, works from FB to MW aswell. |
Switch (local) | Local version of the Switch script. You need to reinstall manually to update. |
TopMafia | Run on a My Mafia page and get the topmafia bonuses highlighted. |
TopMafia (local) | Local version of the TopMafia script. You need to reinstall manually to update. |
Bookmarklets maintained by other people. Pistol Pete is part of Team Spockholm.
Pistol Pete's bookmarklets
Business Helper - Mod | Based on Yevgen's work. Support for Bangkok and Rackets. Has a beta version below. |
Get Your Loot | Will look for MW requests on your Facebook newsfeed. Specifically the text "Get your loot" and collect them. |
Skill Point Assassin | Need to apply skill points? This tool will do it. Use it on your profile page. |
Quick Healer | Autoheal when you reach 25% health. Will heal in your active city. |
SafehouseCracker | Use to open up Safehouse gifts. Can be launched anywhere. |
Pistol Pete's Beta bookmarklets
Holiday Repeater | Script that repeats the special Holiday jobs. Names could be wrong but still pick the 5 minute, 8 hour or 24 hour jobs. |
AttackX Beta (ajax) | Ajax version of AttackX, alternative to the official iframe version. Lets you see the attacks being made. |
Business Helper Beta - Mod | Beta version of Business Helper, updated more often than the non beta version. |
List FB friends - Beta | List FB friends Id and Name in popup, uses FB Query. |
RepeatJob Beta (ajax) | Pete's beta version of RepeatJob. Can have features not implemented in the official beta. |
People Picker | Gifting friends made easier, read more here. This bookmarklet does the same as the Gift Friends page. |
Dirty Martini Scripts (no longer updated)
Get Facebook ID | Get a Facebook ID (Dirty Martini script) |
Get Mafia Friends | Get a List of your Mafia Friends (Dirty Martini script) |
Get Non Mafia Friends | Get non-mafia Friends (Dirty Martini script) |
Promote | Promote to Top Mafia (Dirty Martini script) |
Remove Non-Friends | Remove non-friends used with List FB friends (Dirty Martini script) |
Not well working and special bookmarklets. Some work and some don't.
MiniPack | Get the random boost without installing the Zynga Toolbar in your browser. Bookmarklet will open up three new windows that emulate the toolbar. If you see a Login with Facebook button you need to click this. |
MiniPack (local) | Local version of MiniPack. You get minipack manually by visiting the following three links, 1, 2, 3 |
Ice Check | Use on a unframed MW profile page to check if the target is iced or not. |
Ice Check (local) | Local version of Ice Check. |
Friend Count (local) | Test script that checks how many FB friends you have. If run on gift page it will check how many MW playing friends you have. |
Secret key (local) | Run on gift page or friends MW profile page to see if it can find the secret key. The key is used for gifting with the Mafia Gift Linker. |
ProfileMafia (local) | Use on any unframed Mafia Wars profile page. Pop shows Top Mafia bonuses they give. |
MafiaLog (local) | Bookmarklet that will give some stats of your log window. Like experience gained from winning attacks or money lost. |
Here’s where you’ll find the latest Bookmarklets including the beta versions. Beta versions are to be used with more care since they could contain bugs in them.
Chucker – (Single Server version, Recommended) Bookmark this link for the Chucker
Chucker – (Dual Server version, May cause trouble if your connection is laggy) Bookmark this link for the Chucker
Wishlist Chucker – Bookmark this link. Note – beta version
Racketeer – Bookmark this link for the new Racketeer
Racketeer (Old)- Bookmark this link for the old Racketeer if you have trouble with the new version
For racket accounts only and for Truck Driver rackets only.
**Note : This will not be updated any more as Rackets will be removed soon and replaced with properties for all**
Sneak Attack – Bookmark this link
Open up target’s MW profile page, run BM, it’ll prompt to unframe, do so and then run again, specify number of times to punch -> Start Punching.
Chance Helper – Bookmark this link
Run it when you have a daily chance ticket available. Numbers you’ve already selected once for the current week are highlighted in Green, more than once in Red.
RBD Killer – Bookmark this link
Removes the Revolving Barrel of Death. NOTE : This does not cancel the request sent to Zynga. eg – If you click the inventory page and use this BM it will hide the barrel but the inventory page will still load up eventually.. Be careful when using this before Boss Fights, it may cause you to run away because you were not aware that a previous page was still loading.
Launder – Bookmark this link
First click this link to launder -> Launder If it doesn’t give you the prompt to post to your feed asking for help. Unframe the page using the BM, Run Launder BM again.
ExpEnergy 2.0 – My advanced version of ExpEnergy (MUST TRY)
Version: 2.0.22
Heal – This bookmarklet will travel to the Heal city you pick, heal you and travel back to where you were!
Version: 1.00
Easy Bank – This bookmarklet will deposit all your cash in active city.
Version: 1.02
UnFrameMW – Use this for quick unframing MW page and add scrolling.
Version: 1.02